*US MENTALITY* Beloved of God! We are different members of Christ but the same body. Irrespective of the name of your Church or the name of your Pastor - as long as you believe Jesus is the Son of God; you are part of me. It's one thing to profess we are one in Christ but it's difficult to *attitude* it. The true test is when God gives freely to some one, what you are fighting to get but have not gotten yet! Can you stand the praise and celebration of another Person? Can you sincerely rejoice with people that got what you are still lacking? The little influence God has given you over people; how respectful are you to these people under you? The little money God has put into your hand; how humble are you? It's "us" mentality. Don't think of your self and consider your feelings alone; what about that brother or sister next to you? Abraham never envied or being jea...