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Showing posts from 2018

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Your inability to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit will always lead you into confusion and frustration. Your faith in God and being born again is not complete if  you are not submissive to the instructions and leading of the Holy Spirit. Your obedience to God is not yet complete until you are obedient to the Holy Spirit. The words of the Holy Spirit is not a suggestion but a command and an Authority that heaven and earth can't question. If you are submissive to the Word of God and yet not obedient to the Holy Spirit, your walk with God is still incomplete. If you are open to the Holy Spirit and yet avoid studying your bible - you will always think it's hard relating with the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is the only platform for you to develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is what you have being saved into and this is your family. Embrace the Holy Spirit and His ministry today. Be inspired! #HopeExpression #PrinceVictorMatthew

Be Passionate

Never you allow any body tell you that you are over doing any thing that relates to your love for the Lord.  Be passionate about who you believe and what you believe. Jesus is every thing you need and the Holy Spirit is the only helper that can raise destiny helpers for you.  Be conscious of the Holy Spirit and His Ministry will abide with you and in you.  The Holy Spirit is more committed to you more than you think and know.  Give the Holy Spirit you attention and He will reveal God's intention to you.  You are blessed and highly loved by God.  The Holy Spirit is living in you and He is with you.  Stay conscious of His Ministry and Presence. Be inspired  Thank you Holy Spirit!  #HopeExpression #PrinceVictorMatthew

Divine Encounter

The first level of relationship the Holy Spirit want to share with you is what I call DIVINE ENCOUNTER. This is an Eternal operation of the Holy Spirit over your life in other to set you Apart for himself.  The power that separate you from the shadows (pain, regrets, mistakes, ignorance, condemnation & human expectation) is Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit. This experience is not some thing you can not do with or by your strength, fasting or prayer. Divine Encounter is only way to come out of the *Shadows* and the only way to step into God's love prepared for your life.  Divine Encounter flows through your ability to believe on what God's Word has written concerning your life. If you believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross - the Holy Spirit will embrace you with Divine Encounter.   Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit is possible through the studying and meditating on God's Word with the aim of you knowing and understanding who God has c...