Your inability to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit will always lead you into confusion and frustration. Your faith in God and being born again is not complete if you are not submissive to the instructions and leading of the Holy Spirit. Your obedience to God is not yet complete until you are obedient to the Holy Spirit. The words of the Holy Spirit is not a suggestion but a command and an Authority that heaven and earth can't question. If you are submissive to the Word of God and yet not obedient to the Holy Spirit, your walk with God is still incomplete. If you are open to the Holy Spirit and yet avoid studying your bible - you will always think it's hard relating with the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is the only platform for you to develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is what you have being saved into and this is your family. Embrace the Holy Spirit and His ministry today. Be inspired! #HopeExpression #PrinceVictorMatthew