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Showing posts from 2019

Dear Minister

There are three pattern of ministering. You ministering to the Lord. You ministering to your self. You ministering to the people. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you these mysteries. The Holy Spirit is not your errand boy....He is your tutor and Helper. Understand the assignment of the Holy Spirit and submit to it. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. # PrinceVictorMatthew


Beloved of God, I celebrate you. You are welcome to another refreshing moment. There is a need to set the balance in the matters of the spirit. Until we discover from the Holy Spirit the need and use of spiriitual treasures in Gods kingdom, you won't grow. This matter is about the gift of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit. I want you to know that if you are not possessed with the two of them, there is no way you can be healthy in the matters of the Spirit. The gift of the spirit is not for some set of people in Christ but it is for all believers of Christ. You must break out of this mentality that you have to be a pastor or Apostle or spiritual leader for you to possess the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. What is the gift of the Spirit? It is the lifestyle and nature of God you put on daily through the studying of Gods word. Nothing inspires and activates the gift of the Spirit in a believer than the studying, meditating and believing in the word of God. There is a life...


THE PROPHETIC VS. THE HOLY SPIRIT. I have observed and noticed that it's easier for people to think that the Holy Spirit is different from the prophetic.... Its wrong. There is no difference between the Holy Spirit and the prophetic. You see any body operating like the prophetic yet wont magnify Jesus or the Holy Spirit....a familiar spirit which is not of God is at work. Don't be have received the Holy Spirit via confessing Jesus and receiving Jesus into your life.....YOU CAN OPERATE IN THE PROPHETIC. Just the way the Holy Spirit is the right of every believer of Christ, so is your walk in the prophetic a right in Gods kingdom... Walk and work in this understanding. Any body can operate in the prophetic ministry as long as you have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and Gods word. Be encouraged #HopeExpression

He Needs You!

I want you to understand that God loves you and he is interested in building your weaknesses and turning your faults into excellence. The greatest thing God needs the most in your life is your availability. Be available for God by believing his word, and by giving him the attention he needs. Gods faithfulness can't happen in your life if you are not available for the operations of the Gods word and the Holy Spirit in your life. The respect you place on Gods word and his instruction will determine the respect you will command in your generation. Be available for the Lord and this does not imply that you will become a pastor. No! This is all about you giving God a room in your life to empower you as a solution to your area of interest, passion or profession. Be available for the Lord.