School of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit does not operate part-time but every present always. Walking in Faith is cooperating with the Holy Spirit full time. The best way to relate with the Holy Spirit is in you studying your Bible to understand God's plan for your life. Without the Word of God, you won't be able to understand the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person that can be offended on one condition; disagreeing with the scriptures or disobeying with the instructions of God's Word. All the Holy Spirit stands to defend is the instructions of God's Word. The Holy Spirit is not just a person you run to whenever you are in trouble and abandon him when you are in good times. He is the administrator of the New Testament. Every desire, decision, and expectations must be through the influence of the Holy Spirit according to the instructions of God's Word. The Holy Spirit is here to reveal God's plan to you through God's Word (Your Bible). Without your Bib...