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Showing posts from April, 2023


The Holy Spirit is the helper Jesus sent to us. He is our helper that assist us in embracing God's plan and functioning in God's plan. He is not sent to help you in your own plans and idea. His task description is within the plans and interest in God. If you have received the Life of Christ through Salvation, then you are alive in Christ and you should submit to the interest and plan of God. The best way to engage fellowship with the Holy Spirit faster is by focusing on God's interest and plan. Many times, we find it difficult to fellowship with the Holy Spirit because we are always coming to Him with our own plans and ideas that has nothing to do with God's interest. It is not difficult to relate with the Holy Spirit, you are the one proving difficult by your refusal in submitting to God's interest. To continue our daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we must daily focus on the interest and plan of God in every aspect of your life. It's time to refuse that mi...

The Effect of the Fruit of the Spirit

Thank God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit but I want you to understand that the fruit of the Spirit is very important.   If we have the fruit of the Spirit -It then mean we have the seed of the Holy Spirit. And also the tree of the Holy Spirit.  The Seed of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God.  The tree of the Holy Spirit is fellowship or personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.  The fruit of the Spirit is actually the benefit attached to the tree of the Spirit.  If you are close to the Word of God, it becomes easier to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. And if you are constant in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, it becomes easier for your attitude to be transform from negative to positive. Don't glory in manifesting the gifts of the Spirit and abandon the fruit - character of the Spirit.  If you truly fellowship with the Holy Spirit then it's a must his attitude will rob on you. Show me your attitude and I will tell you who you are fellow...

Divine Alignment

When priority are wrongly placed, your freedom becomes your frustration and your helper becomes a threat.  May you not turn your teacher into your student in Jesus Name!  When you allow pride to make you to start teaching those that are meant to teach you - you will be frustrated.  May you not turn your destiny helper into your disciple in Jesus Name.  When you allow insecurity to make you to start treating your destiny helper like he or she is your disciple - you will struggle in the place of miracle.  May you not listen to those you are meant to advice in Jesus Name.  When you allow indecision or your passive nature to dumbfound you so much that those God wants you to advice begin to advice you instead - your strength will become your weakness.  Jesus was wise to rebuke Pete when he started advicing Jesus not to speak about his suffering, and death.  There is a time to tell some people to just shut up their mouth.  May you advic...

Divine Prayers

May the Holy Spirit increase you in all knowledge and understanding needed for your life in Jesus Name May the Holy Spirit breathe upon your gifts, talent and potentials in Jesus Name  May the Holy Spirit give you the courage to say "no" when necessary and "yes" when necessary in Jesus Name.  May the Holy Spirit teach you what to do and say at every season and phase of your life in Jesus Name.  May the Holy Spirit kill every greed in your heart in Jesus Name  May the Holy Spirit cultivate in you the ability to say the truth at all time in Jesus Name  May the Holy Spirit rescue you from every trap of gossip in Jesus Name  May the Holy Spirit reveal the depth and height of God's love to you in Jesus Name I declare every negative addiction in your life that is fighting God's plan to come to an end in. Jesus Name  God bless you and increase you on all side in Jesus Name.   Prince Victor Matthew Hope Expression Hub 


The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the scriptures that is set to instruct you and direct you into the plan of God. Every plan of God is to your advantage. God's plan is for you to know His person, grow in maturity, and do His work here on earth. The Holy Spirit is here to give you instructions. Every Instructions of God are designed to help you. You are not doing God a favour by obeying His Instructions. It is for your own advantage. Every Instructions from the Holy Spirit is to profit you. Always remember that the Holy Spirit can never function outside the lifestyle of Jesus. All scriptures are profitable yet we must understand that all scriptures are given to reveal Jesus. See each scriptures in that perspective. The Holy Spirit is here to minister to you. His only assignment is to help you, comfort you, lead you, instruct you and educate you. You are the only priority of the Holy Spirit. Twenty four hour each day, from weeks to months and to years, His eyes and attenti...