The Holy Spirit is the helper Jesus sent to us. He is our helper that assist us in embracing God's plan and functioning in God's plan. He is not sent to help you in your own plans and idea. His task description is within the plans and interest in God. If you have received the Life of Christ through Salvation, then you are alive in Christ and you should submit to the interest and plan of God. The best way to engage fellowship with the Holy Spirit faster is by focusing on God's interest and plan. Many times, we find it difficult to fellowship with the Holy Spirit because we are always coming to Him with our own plans and ideas that has nothing to do with God's interest. It is not difficult to relate with the Holy Spirit, you are the one proving difficult by your refusal in submitting to God's interest. To continue our daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we must daily focus on the interest and plan of God in every aspect of your life. It's time to refuse that mi...