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Showing posts from August, 2023

How To War With Prophecy

Prophecy is a ministry and ministry is the activity that demand you to SERVE. In other words, the greatest prophet or prophetess is still a servant, that must SERVE the body of Christ. A prophet or prophetess is human like you but given a unique Grace of God to know and see the intention of God about any matters. They only operate through Revelation and the only inspiration of prophecy is THE WORD OF GOD Prophecy is the product of the WORD OF GOD revealing the interest of God about any situation. There is a difference between word of knowledge, word of wisdom and prophecy..... Even thou they are all revelational gift. Word of wisdom is God revealing a problem either now or in future and giving an instruction on how you should handle future. Its future centered. Word of knowledge is God revealing a problem that started in the past and giving instruction on how to solve it in the present. Prophecy is the written or spoken intention of God about the present and future. When can b...


Faith is the knowledge you gain from listening or hearing God's Word. For Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. The Spiritual reality of your Faith is Jesus and the physical evidence of your Faith is your Bible. Faith is a lifestyle of the instructions of God's Word that births you the knowledge. This knowledge is based on God's kind of knowledge. The knowledge of who you are in Christ. The knowledge of the plan of God for your life. The knowledge of what God have ordained you to become and do to give Him pleasure. The knowledge of Everything in the kingdom of God, your right in Christ and all you need to know to be fulfilled in Christ. Faith is needed for you to escape the power of ignorance and the wrong kind of knowledge. Faith is the Gods kind of know that is pure and healthy for your growth in Christ. Faith is not just Spiritual alone, it spread in all aspects of life. What I mean is this - there is God's kind of knowledge for how to function physical...