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Showing posts from October, 2023


The Holy Spirit is not just a spirit being alone. He is a person that wants to relate with you and fellowship with you. He is the expression of the Spirit of the Father. And the only way to have access to the Holy Spirit is in you being born again under the authority of Jesus. Just like humans can't survive without an oxygen, so the Holy Spirit can not function or exist outside the Scriptures. The word of God is the only life He survives on and it is the only tool He uses for operation. There is nothing the Holy Spirit can do outside the scriptures. He can not do anything of his own expect the scriptures creates a possibility of it. The best way to relate with the Holy Spirit is through the scriptures and if you lack the knowledge of the scriptures, you won't understand the operation of the Holy Spirit. Whatsoever belongs to the Father, belongs to Jesus and the Holy Spirit will always take what belongs to the Jesus and make it know to you. The first duty of the Holy Spirit is t...