As long as you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit is committed in teaching you the knowledge of the Scriptures. He is committed to reveal the plans of God to you and help you to understand God's promises and principles. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to you. You don't need to impress Him or do anything special to get His attention. His job description is to minister to you. But your availability is what will enable Him minister to you. Salvation is an invitation into the plan of God. It is an invitation to learn, understand and participate in the plan of God. God is interested in you playing your role in His plan. The Holy Spirit is the one appointed to teach you. Embrace Him today. When you receive the Life of Jesus, it means that the Holy Spirit lives with you and also dwells within you. You might not feel the Holy Spirit but He is constantly with you and dwelling in you. It's a walk of Faith. Your first responsibility in Gods kingdom is to know God's plan for your life. ...