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Showing posts from December, 2023


If you have believed in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the son of the living God, it is a must to relate with the Holy Spirit THROUGH THE STUDYING OF YOUR BIBLE. Seek first the interest of God and His plan for your life, and then the covenant and blessings of God will come chasing after you. GOD IS INTERESTED IN YOU KNOWING HIM. Pay more attention to your Bible today. How can you desire help from a father or God you don't have a relationship with? When was the last time you allowed God's will to dictate your decision? Repent today. Don't judge anybody. Correct, rebuke, and pray for anyone who misbehaves or makes mistakes. When you think you are better than any sinner, you are already worse than that sinner. ALLOW COMPASSION LEAD... I have vowed to God, that I will never keep silent on anyone who is not fulfilling their purpose for existence. Let's stop being lazy and become responsible with the little you have. Living within your means, be producti...