In our journey of faith, we are often guided by the presence and workings of the Holy Spirit. As followers of Christ, it is essential for us to understand the primary duty of the Holy Spirit and discern its manifestations in our lives. The Holy Spirit, as promised by Jesus, is our advocate, counselor, and guide (John 14:16). One of its fundamental roles is to reveal God's plan to us through various means, including scriptures, dreams, prophecy, and vision. Through these channels, the Holy Spirit illuminates our path and empowers us to walk in alignment with God's will. However, it is crucial to discern the source of spiritual manifestations. While the Holy Spirit operates to glorify God and align us with His purposes, there are other spirits at work, such as familiar spirits, whose intent is to deceive and lead astray. How do we discern the workings of the Holy Spirit from those of familiar spirits? The key lies in examining the motives and outcomes of the spiritual experiences...