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The Holy Spirit - Part 1

The Holy Spirit is the personality of God or you can say – The Holy Spirit is the person of God that feel, thinks, speaks, teaches, instructs, work, walk, and fulfill the desires and expectation of the Father. He is a living, a lifestyle and has a desire of his own. The desire of the Holy Spirit is the extension of the desire of the Father or God’s plan.

The Holy Spirit can not do whatsoever he likes or feel like doing. He has limitations and God’s word is what will determine how far, how deep and how high He will operate. He cannot operate outside the context of the bible. He can not operate outside the desires and expectation of the Father.

The Holy Spirit is not a fire. He is not a smoke. He is not a dove. He does not come from heaven to visit us during church fellowship and return back to heaven whenever we close service. He is not under your authority you have to command, invoke or welcome his presence before he manifest him self. HE IS THE PERSON OF GOD AND EVERY BELIEVER IS UNDER HIS AUTHORITY. THIS DISPENSATION IS UNDER HIS ADMINISTRATION AND WITHOUT HIM; YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO WALK WITH GOD OR BECOME THE ENTIRE PLANS GOD HAVE FOR YOUR LIFE.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He can manifest through fire just like the days of Elijah but He is not the fire. He can consume. Fire is part of the attribute of his character. He can manifest through smoke like in the Old Testament but He is not the smoke. Smoke is not limited – this is part of the attribute of the character of the Holy Spirit. He is not a dove but he has the attribute of character that the dove has which is a gentleness and wisdom.

God Almighty is great. He is one person but expresses himself through three different offices; same person but different attribute. God operates as the Father through His plan. God operates as His Word, through Jesus. God manifest his desires through the Holy Spirit. So God can operate as the Father, God can operate as Jesus and God can operate as the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God manifested. His is the Grace of God for humanity. He is the carrier of the truth humans need. Every thing that belongs to God and all that God is can only be manifested through the Holy Spirit. The Father and Jesus can not do any thing on earth here without the Holy Spirit. He is the President and the commander in chief on earth here.

The Holy Spirit is not optional in the life of every believer. He is a necessity in our lives and it’s our duty to find it out and run with it.

The ignorance of who the Holy Spirit really is can limit you and keep you stagnate in the journey of Salvation.  You are lost, confused, ignorant and hopeless without the Holy Spirit. The Work of Jesus on the cross and the power of His resurrection is not complete without the Holy Spirit. He is the Glory of the Father and the prove of the person of Jesus. 

God = The Father: - The Father is the manifestation of the Plan and the purpose of God for existence. God do not operate without the Father and the Father is part of God’s attribute. He is in charge of the affairs of human and he identifies with every one that is His seed. He is the purpose. He is the vision. He is the author of all callings. He is the Plan. He is the Eternal Life and in Him consist all things.

God = The Word: - The Word is the manifestation of Jesus. Without Him the plan will never be revealed. With Him and in Him lays the reconciliation of humanity with the Father. 

He is the Way: - Jesus; He did not come to this earth to show us the way. He is the only way for you to learn how to know the Father and how to relate with the Father because He is the WORD.  In Him lies the knowledge of the plan of the Father. The more you study the Word, the more you know Jesus and the more you know Jesus, the more you get to know the Father’s plan.

He is the Truth: - Jesus; He is the only SUBSTANCE of the original idea in the mind of the Father (His plan). In him and through him alone will you be able to differentiate what is real and what is fake; real here has nothing to do with what you can feel or see or touch. Fake is not about what you cannot see, feel or touch. REAL is whatsoever the Word declares real and FAKE is whatsoever the Word declares FAKE. He is the Truth because He is the only one that determines and defines what is real and fake. He is the only one that determines what you ought to accept, approve, ignore and disapprove. The Word is the Truth. JESUS is the Truth. The more you mediate on the word, the more you understand the Word. The understanding of the Word is TRUTH.

He is the Life: - Jesus; He is the only factor that determines the ability to function or operate through the Plan of the Father. With Him, through Him and in Him alone is the platform or the ability to respond easily to the plan of the Father. The Plan of the Father is not for all and every one can not come to the Father expect the Father calls the person through Jesus. So you can’t come to the Father, have a relationship with the Father and respond to His plan without Jesus. He is the life that enables you or transforms you to become sensitive and gain the ability to function WITH THE FATHER’S PLAN or THROUGH THE FATHER’S PLAN. The more you understand the Word, the more you will be able to function in and through it.

There is a LIFE that makes you study your bible. There is a LIFE that makes you hungry for a constant relationship with The Holy Spirit. There is a LIFE that makes you obedient to the instruction of the Father. There is a LIFE that makes you submit to the Holy Spirit. There is a LIFE that makes you to function in the attitude of the Father. There is a LIFE that makes you think like the Father. There is a LIFE that makes you put on God’s nature. There is a LIFE that makes you conquer every emotional challenge. There is a LIFE that makes you experience excellence as a lifestyle. There is a LIFE that completes you, defeats your fears, swallows your worries and enslaves your doubts…etc. THIS LIFE IS JESUS!

Jesus loves you! 


Watch out for "The Holy Spirit - Part 2"


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