There is nothing wrong with zeal but when zeal has no knowledge, understand and the right approach, you will hurt the same people you want to help. Its okay that you really want to help people but you must understand there are principles in the God’s kingdom. When it comes to love and relationship, a lot of friends and people around us think they know better than we do. Some times, they are right and some times they are wrong. In any ways, you must learn the art of respecting people privacy. Our Lord Jesus showed us this example by the way He responded to every one that came to him for Help. Jesus would ask them “what do you want me to do for you?” I use to think Jesus was being wicked until the Holy Spirit began to teach me the art of respecting people’s privacy. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU? This is a question that holds a strong wisdom we need to embrace in this generation. Irrespective of how any body is suffering in any abusive relationship, don’t be their Savi...