There is nothing wrong with zeal but when zeal has no knowledge, understand and the right approach, you will hurt the same people you want to help. Its okay that you really want to help people but you must understand there are principles in the God’s kingdom.
When it comes to love and relationship, a lot of friends and people around us think they know better than we do. Some times, they are right and some times they are wrong. In any ways, you must learn the art of respecting people privacy. Our Lord Jesus showed us this example by the way He responded to every one that came to him for Help. Jesus would ask them “what do you want me to do for you?” I use to think Jesus was being wicked until the Holy Spirit began to teach me the art of respecting people’s privacy.
WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU? This is a question that holds a strong wisdom we need to embrace in this generation. Irrespective of how any body is suffering in any abusive relationship, don’t be their Saviour. You are not any ones Saviour, you are here to help (assist). Stop trying to living their life for them. Stop the art of making decision for them. If you have a better idea of how their love life or relationship will be better, SUGGEST it to them and leave them to choose if they want to embrace it or not. YOU MUST ALLOW EVERY ONE AROUND YOU TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WORDS, DECISIONS AND ACTION. Its either their fault or choice.
Don’t use indirect or impose what you think is best for their relationship on them. Some people go as far as fighting, keeping malice with people simply because those people did not accept their suggestion. It’s not your business. Please, stop interfering with people’s life, love and relationship. Even Jesus never for once interferes with people’s life and that’s why He always asked “what do you want me to do for you?” If you feel you can help some one, SUGGEST it to them – if they accept it, fine and if they don’t accept it, don’t take it personal. Stop interfering.
Even if the Holy Spirit send you to some body to correct an error in their relationship, deliver the message the Holy Spirit has sent you. Please, stop at the message the Holy Spirit has sent you; don’t interfere with that person’s life. You might not like it, or they might not do it the way you want it but remember, its not about them pleasing you, IT’S ABOUT THE LORD – 2 Timothy 1:8-9.
Stop the act of making your self a god over people’s life. I know you are doing it out of passion and zeal but there is a kingdom way or God’s way of helping people. Helping people has to be timely. Helping people has a specific pattern. Helping people must be according to their individual differences and it must be according to the leading and instruction of the Holy Spirit. You can’t treat every body the same way or treat them the way that seems fit to you.
The only person that has the legal right to interfere with people’s life, emotion, love and relationship is the Holy Spirit. No matter how passionate and concerned you are, the best you can do is SUGGEST it to the people and in your place of prayer, pray for this person. Don’t force it on them. Don’t fight them. Don’t make them feel some thing is wrong with them. When preaching or leading prayer points in Church or fellowship, don’t use indirect words or mock them or humiliate them just for them to submit to the help you think they should accept from you.
Help people but stop interfering in their lives. They have a Saviour and His name is Jesus Christ. You don’t have to be their second Saviour. They have a Lord and His name is Jesus. You don’t have to be their second Lord. Either you are their pastor, their mentor or parents or their sibling etc… HELP THEM AND STOP INTERFERING WITH THEIR LIVES.
If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, you will always ask people this question “what do you want me to do for you?” It’s also important you ask them “how do you want me to help you?” Please, its part of God’s will for your life to respect people’s privacy. Just make sure you are as passionate about improving or helping your self just the way you are passionate about helping other people’s life.
Always remember John 15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29
There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.
Yours Sincerely,
Prince Victor Matthew
Whatsup: +2348139635230
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