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Showing posts from September, 2016

Salvation - Part 2

How is salvation? SALVATION is a JOURNEY. Colossians 1:13 – 14 This is a journey from the Carnal Nature into the Nature of God. This is a journey from confusion into the knowledge of God’s plan for your life. This is a journey from fear to confidence. This is a journey from worries to the understanding of God’s plan. This is a journey from doubts to the wisdom of Christ at work in you. This is a journey from the law of sin and death to the law of Spirit and Life. This is the journey from the image of sin into the image of God. This is the journey from ignorance into the discovering of God’s plan and purpose for your life. This is the journey of Grace and Truth. This has nothing to do with THE LAW – BUT the GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS EVERY THING.  – JOHN 1:17 SALVATION is not all about you looking for God. This is a journey where God will locate you and come down to your level to reveal his intention or plan for your life. This is a journey from faith to fait...

Salvation - Part 1

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name. Our topic for today is SALVATION. Our Case Study will be Colossians 1:13 – 14 What is Salvation? SALVATION is the translation from the kingdom of sin into the kingdom of his dear son. SALVATION is a lifestyle, a personality, a culture and SHE has a desire (God’s plan and purpose). SALVATION is a journey from the stage of ignorance into the place of the knowledge of God’s plan. This is a shift of mindset, attitude and manner of approach from the carnal state into God’s principles. Why is SALVATION needed? SALVATION is needed because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Man-kind was perfect in the beginning until sin entered into them and corrupts God’s nature in their lives. This is needed because man-kind need to be restored back to the plan and purpose of God, sin cut off from mankind after the f...

The Pilot - Part 2

Why do you need the pilot?  You need the pilot because of the Journey before you. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lost the kingdom through disobedience. Due to that effect, Jesus came to pay the price and became the way. After the way was established through His death and resurrection, he gave us a pilot to lead, direct, show, conduct, and point us to the destination. The destination of this journey is the KINGDOM. He is your DESTINY. He is your SOURCE. He is your INHERITANCE. The plane needed for this journey is the FATHER. You can not begin this journey if you don’t have reconciliation with the Father. You must be in the Father before this journey can begin. You must be in the Father before you can have access to the pilot. This is a place where you must embrace a personal relationship – if you want to begin the journey before you. Your talent, gifts, creativity, ideas, character and capacity are sources The Father installed in you when He was creating yo...

The Pilot - Part 1

You are welcome to the lecture and the lesson one in this school.  I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name. In this first lecture, I will be teaching you on this question – THE PILOT (JOHN 16:13 – 16). Who is a Pilot? A pilot is some one that direct, show, lead, conduct, channel, funnel, and point people to a specific direction or location. It’s His duty to take them to the pointed location in safety. He handles every risk that may show up and, it’s His responsibility to make sure the people or passengers are in safety. He understand the weather, he knows when to wait, and when to take the flight. He is never alone because He is always in touch with the tower (Father) and gets his instruction from the tower (Father). He knows the destination and he is fully aware of what to do at any given situation because He is trained for it. The passengers list...