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The Pilot - Part 1

You are welcome to the lecture and the lesson one in this school. 

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name.

In this first lecture, I will be teaching you on this question – THE PILOT (JOHN 16:13 – 16).

Who is a Pilot?

A pilot is some one that direct, show, lead, conduct, channel, funnel, and point people to a specific direction or location. It’s His duty to take them to the pointed location in safety. He handles every risk that may show up and, it’s His responsibility to make sure the people or passengers are in safety.
He understand the weather, he knows when to wait, and when to take the flight. He is never alone because He is always in touch with the tower (Father) and gets his instruction from the tower (Father). He knows the destination and he is fully aware of what to do at any given situation because He is trained for it.

The passengers listen to His instruction and they don’t argue with Him. He gives warning signals whenever the plane develops fault and give good news of the taking off of any journey and the arrival to the destination. There are principles He is bond with irrespective of His relationship with any passenger.

From the point of Kingdom Principles: THE PILOT is a lifestyle, a personality, a culture, and has a specific defined assignment. The Pilot is a plan, a vision and a divine assignment that determine what you do, think and say.


In the Journey of life, you need a pilot and before Jesus ascended to heaven, He left us a pilot that will take us into His plan and assignment (which is His desired destination for us all). You have being saved for a journey. You have being favoured, blessed and highly protected because of the value of the journey before you.

You are not in salvation for enjoyment alone. You are here because there is journey set before you. This is one of the reasons Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the Life – no body can get to the Father except through me.  In this journey or flight, Jesus is the only Way (access). He is the Truth (Detail information needed). He is the Life (Ability to function). You can not get to the Father except by Him.

Every body called of the Father to Himself has being destined for a journey. You were created according to the journey God has created before you. This journey is not the same. Your journey is not my journey and my journey is not your journey. WE CAN’T COPY EACH OTHER but we have one pilot directing us all.

There is no way we can focus on the pilot without us learning about the Journey... the Journey is what adds value to the pilot.

To be Continued...


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