Why do you need the pilot?
You need the pilot because of the Journey before you. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lost the kingdom through disobedience. Due to that effect, Jesus came to pay the price and became the way. After the way was established through His death and resurrection, he gave us a pilot to lead, direct, show, conduct, and point us to the destination.
The destination of this journey is the KINGDOM. He is your DESTINY. He is your SOURCE. He is your INHERITANCE.
The plane needed for this journey is the FATHER. You can not begin this journey if you don’t have reconciliation with the Father. You must be in the Father before this journey can begin. You must be in the Father before you can have access to the pilot. This is a place where you must embrace a personal relationship – if you want to begin the journey before you.
Your talent, gifts, creativity, ideas, character and capacity are sources The Father installed in you when He was creating you in your mother’s womb. You have all you have now because of the Journey before you but you will need to start a personal relationship with the Father to get into the plane.
Getting into the plane is just the starting point of the journey. The plane has a destination and this destination is linked to every aspect of your life. Your physical, mental, emotional, relationship, and every aspect of you in linked to this journey. In the process of this journey, all these aspect of you are meant to be improving and getting better day by day. This is a package!
In the process of this journey, there are things you must learn, and there are things to unlearn. There are things to start afresh and there are things you must stop doing. You must understand the constitution of your destination. You must change your currency to the currency of your destination. You must understand the PLAN and your ASSIGNMENT in this destination you will be approaching in this journey. The Embassy is responsible for all these check up.
Who is the embassy? Jesus is the embassy! Whatsoever that is not approved of Him is not needed for this journey. Your mindset, what you believe, your attitude, manner of approach and your baggages must pass through screening. To begin this journey, you must fit into the requirement for the journey.
The Strength of the Embassy and the Plane is the PILOT.
Where is the destination of this journey? The destination is not a place or stage but A LIFESTYLE.
You need the knowledge, understand, and wisdom behind the destination (purpose, vision & assignment).
You must know, understand and have the principle behind your assignment in this destination
You must know, understand and identify the resources that are attached to this destination.
You must know the role your talent, skills, and creativity will play in your assignment.
You must know and accept that this journey was created for you.
You must know and understand that your success is connected to your obedience (you must listen to the pilot)
In this Journey, it’s going to be either your choice or fault – so give more attention to details and instruction from the pilot.
A personal relationship with the Embassy, the plan and Pilot is the only place of safety.
Don’t take instructions from any other person except the pilot.
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