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Jesus Is the Truth - Part 1

You are welcome to this Revelation.

 “I AM THE TRUTH” is the very statement of Jesus Christ about himself. There is a wrong concept about Jesus; Jesus is not here to show you the truth – HE IS THE TRUTH. Jesus is not here to point you to any one – he is here to point you to Himself.

In the Gospel of Jesus, don’t try to separate the truth from Jesus. There is no truth without Jesus. Any truth without Jesus is not the truth.

You need to understand that we are living with the two concepts. There are two types of truth. We have “truth” - this truth is all about things that please the five senses but disagree with God. The “TRUTH” is divine in nature. Truth is natural in natural. Truth is generally accepted but the truth is accepted through the help of the Holy Spirit. The truth is all about the Father but the truth is all about self desire. The truth produces humility but truth brings pride.

Every thing you can see and touch has two version “truth” and “the truth”. The Truth is a lifestyle, a culture, and a platform to a specific assignment (Divine). Truth is a lifestyle, a culture and a platform for a specific assignment (carnal). This is a battle between originality and the fake.

The Truth is an attitude, a mind-set and not just knowledge of words. It’s an experience. Jesus said, I am the truth; the reason why the truth is needed is because there is a journey and assignment. This truth is not needed every where. There are specification and pattern to this revelation.

Your existence proves that you were created for a journey and assignment. Succeed in this journey will depend on you having access to the truth. The absence of the truth is the beginning of ignorance. The presence of ignorance is the beginning of frustration.

When God created the heaven and earth – every thing was truthful. In the Garden of Eden, truth was the lifestyle of Adam and Eve. After the fall in the Garden of Eden, the truth was cut off from man-kind. After the fall of man-kind in Eden, the truth man-kind needed to fulfill destiny was cut short.
The fall of man-kind in Eden was the beginning of the absence of truth.

What is the truth?

The truth is the original content of God’s plan about any thing He created. The truth is all about how God design any thing to function. The truth is Gods manual for his creature. The truth is how God ordained any thing to be from the beginning of creation. This truth was cut off from man-kind when man-kind disobeyed God.

After the fall of man-kind, they lost the right knowledge of how they were design to function. After the fall of man-kind, the principle of God for living was cut off from man-kind. After the fall of man-kind, they began to walk in ignorance. After the fall of man-kind, they began to function in another knowledge that is not from God.

To be continued...


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