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Prove Your Calling

2 Peter 1:10
“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:”

According to the scripture above, you will understand that running with the calling of God upon your life is some thing you do deliberately. I have walked in the confusion and frustration of the calling. Not just me alone, every one in Christ is consciously or unconsciously walking in the struggle of divine calling

I want you to be encouraged because I know, accepting the call of God and walking in it daily is one of the most confusing and frustrating any one can find him or her self in. It's purely the culture of Faith. Have you being insulted because of the area of your calling? I've being there! Have people ignored and despised you because of your calling? I've being there too! Have people rejected you because of your calling? I've being there too! The calling of God upon your life is the beginning of the love and the frustration you will experience from people.

Taking Father Abraham as our case study. You will agree with me that it was really frustrating for Him. His area of calling (Father of many Nations) became his point of shame and lack. It's so shocking that his salves were benefiting from His calling but Him was in lack of it. Beloved, is your life looking different from what God has called you to do? Hahahah... it's normal. Abraham was there too and we all have being there at one point or the other.

Read this carefully, THE DEVIL WILL ALWAYS FIGHT YOU IN THE DIRECTION AND AREA OF YOUR CALLING. Abraham was called to be the Father of many Nation but childlessness became his clothing. His life was not reflecting his calling. His life was not reflecting the covenant of God with him and yet - God was with him. Beloved! Is your life looking different from your calling? Be encouraged! There is nothing wrong with you. It's just the culture of Faith.

If God calls you into teaching people love and relationship (just like me). You will fail many times in the same thing God has called you to do. You will teach other people and they will succeed but you will keep failing. It's not because you are not practicing what you are teaching. It's because in your MISTAKES lies in your MESSAGE. God will allow you to suffer in the area of what he has called you to do so that you can have a taste of the pain, struggles and confusion of the same people God is sending you to teach and deliver.

In case, you are reading this and your calling has being a reference point of people mocking you and thinking you are not truly called. If people think you lacking in the same area of what God has called you to do is a prove that you are not original. Don't mind them and be encouraged. Abraham is our Father of Faith. He experienced it and it's a lay down principle for us all to walk in it. Be deliberate in making prove of your calling. I know you are failing in the area of what God has called you to do but don't stop fellowshiping with the Holy Spirit. If God has called you to teach on purity before marriage, most of your temptation will be sexual related. You will experience the fire and survive the same fire God is sending you to deliver people from. What you have not conquered, you can never rescue people from it.

If God has called you to raise financial giants in His kingdom. hmmm... you will experience a deep level of lack and poverty. People will mock you saying "and he or she says, God has called him to raise financial giants." This is the struggle in walking in your calling. So beloved, be encouraged. For God to use Moses to rescue his people from Egypt, he made sure Moses was trained in the palace. He took Moses out of Egypt, prepared him and sent him back to Egypt. WHAT GOD HAS DELIVERED YOU FROM WILL DETERMINE THE SET OF PEOPLE GOD WILL CALL YOU TO RESCUE. When God save a prostitute, he will empower her and send her back to the street to rescue prostitute into His God. You can't mentor some one with a situation you have never experienced or conquer. I feel your pain. I feel your frustration and I know the struggle in people benefitting from your calling while you that is the carrier of the calling is in lack of the same thing God has called you to do. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Be deliberate in making your calling sure.

Don't stop. Don't give up. Let them mock you. Let them say you are fake. Let them say God did not call you. Let them doubt you but make sure you keep your focus on what God has called you to do. When you are tried out, you will arise like Abraham and your calling will fill the whole earth. Remember this: THE DEVIL WILL ALWAYS FIGHT YOU IN THE AREA OF YOUR CALLING. Take note of what the devil is fighting in your life, that thing is the strong point of your calling. The devil is scared of it and that why he is fighting it. THE DEVIL IS NOT FIGHTING YOUR PRESENT STAGE IN LIFE, THE DEVIL IS ONLY FIGHT WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF BECOMING THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET BECOME.

I have come to encourage you, you are not alone. Be deliberate to making your calling sure! Make Jesus your foundation and you will not fail. Is it not interesting how Jesus was on the cross to deliver the whole world and the soldiers were mocking him and daring him to deliver himself? Jesus a victor, became a victim. Wow! That's the price of calling. If God wants to make you a king, he will take you to a place to serve some one first. I can't teach you all in this matter. May the Holy Spirit enlighten you in Jesus Name. Be encouraged. Don't be depressed. Pay your dues. Your calling is your greatest blessing and yet your biggest cross!

For God to make David a king, he first took him to the bush and made sure he succeeded as a shepard. Even Moses too, for God to commit his people to him, he first became a shepard with his father in-law. CALLING IS SWEET BUT HAS A PRICE TAG. For Jesus to build the Church, He first became a carpenter in his earth fathers house (Joseph). THE BIG THING THAT IS MISSING IN THE MESSAGE IN CHURCHES TODAY IS - some pastors don't teach us PROCESS any more. Calling is a process and Salvation is a journey.

Jesus loves you and there is still Hope for you in Christ Jesus.

#John 15:5
#Matthew 11:28-29


Yours Sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew


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