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What is SIN?

Case Study: Romans 14:23

In God's Kingdom, the Father is more concern on "how" you do things irrespective of how moral what you have done is. We need to begin to give attention to the process of the things we do. In Christ you have freedom but you must understand that God also have principle. Your freedom must be within what the principle of God permits.

The bible also state that "AS a man thinks in his heart, so he is." The bible did not say WHAT a man think on, will determine what he will become. The "as" is all about the "how" or "process" or "pattern" by which he thinks is what will decide what the man will become. This same principle apply to the topic I am sharing with you today.

You can do the right thing in a wrong way. You can do the right thing with a wrong motive. It doesn't matter how expensive it is. It doesn't matter how sacrificial it is. It doesn't matter the measure of time you invest in it. The Lord is saying to you today that WHATSOEVER YOU DO THAT IS NOT IN FAITH IS A SIN.

Faith in God or let me write "trust in God" is the foundation of Righteousness. If you give your offering and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you propose to a lady for a relationship and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you plan for the future and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you discipline your children or people and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you pay your tithe and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you love and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you forgive some one and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you help some body and it's not in faith, it's a sin. If you worship God and it's not in faith, it's a sin. WHATSOEVER YOU DO AND IT'S NOT IN FAITH IS A SIN.

God is not interested in what you are ready to do - He is more interested if you are doing it because you trust him (faith). It doesn't matter your effort, zeal and passion; is it out of your faith in God? Is it because you trust the Lord? Is it because you love the Lord? WHATSOEVER YOU DO AND IS NOT IN FAITH IS A SIN.

Romans 14:23, stated it clearly. Righteousness is not about good act or being morally right. Righteousness is Faith in God. Righteousness is having trust in God. People some time complain; I do all the nice and good thing, why is there no result? The answer is, it's not done in faith. It's not about fasting and praying for seven days; are you walking in Faith?

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. God's word is His instruction. In other words, any thing you do outside the instruction of God is a sin. Any thing you do without concerning and obeying God's word is a sin. Any thing you do disregarding your trust or faith in God is a sin.

Your character must be done in faith. The way you get angry must be done in faith. The way you talk to people, must be done in faith. The way you accept or reject that brothers proposal for marriage must be done in faith. The way you propose to that sister must be done in faith. The way you love your wife or husband must be done in faith. The way you love and treat your children must be done in faith. The way you apologize or forgive people must be done in faith. The way you think, behave, talk and do all things, must be in faith.

What the Lord is saying is - don't do any thing out of fear, worry or doubt. Don't do any thing that will not please the Lord. Don't let fear determine what you do, say, think, and plan. Don't love by fear. Don't propose out of fear. Don't accept the proposal out of fear. Don't do any thing out of fear. Any thing you do out of fear is a sin; irrespective of how morally good it might be. WHATSOEVER IS NOT DONE IN FAITH IS A SIN; Romans 14:23.


Prince Victor Matthew


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