I will start by writing this; a kingdom that is divided against itself can never stand.
Why will believers be so blinded by ignorance to think gift of the spirit is inferior to the fruit of the spirit?
Why are believers so blinded to think Anointing is inferior to Holiness?
Why are we dividing what God never divided in the scriptures?
Who is the source of this comparism among the issues of the kingdom of God?
This can not be the Gospel of Christ!
Deliverance is not inferior or superior to the teaching of the Word.
I read a write up and it says; we have many anointed people in he'll but there is no holy people in hell! Hmmm..
Do you not know that every believer is Anointed and without Anointing, you can not step into Salvation? It takes Anointing to embrace the journey of becoming Holy!
Please, the Apostle is not inferior or superior to a pastor. A Pastor is not inferior or superior to an Evangelist. A Prophet is not inferior or superior to a Teacher of God's word. Teacher of God's word is not inferior or superior to any of the five fold offices mention above.
Don't be deceived thinking you are matured by dividing issues that the Lord has not divided. It's actually a prove of the depth of your ignorance.
The fact you don't believe in prophecy does not mean all prophecy are fake. The fact that you don't believe in miracle does not mean all miracles are fake.
Salvation is not about individual perceptive; it is about the Jesus perceptive.
Let's embrace the Holy Spirit to teach and lead us. It's time to stop dividing issues and despising one thing thinking what you have choose to accept is the best!
It's time for this deception to stop!
Don't accept to be an agent of devil by dividing issues or despising things because you don't like it. Salvation is not about what you like - it's about pleasing the Lord!
The kidney also needs the heart. The heart needs the leg. This isolation and disputes we are creating among our selves is wrong!
Anointing, holiness, prophecy, etc needs each other to function. It's a total package! Stop breaking what the Lord has not broken. Stop despising one among the rest.
He that has an ear, Let Him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches!
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