As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
Colossians 2:6 KJV
Beloved of God.
This is a serious issue I want to share with you. From the scripture above, your attention will be drawn to the fact that you have received some thing.
Let me start by asking you; *do you know what you have received?*
*Just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord!*
What you have received is your Lord. How committed are you to this Jesus you have received? How submissive are you to the Jesus you have received ?
The Jesus you have received is not is a person that desires a relationship with you.
Jesus is a Person.
Jesus is a lifestyle.
Jesus is a character.
Jesus is a specific pattern of thinking.
This is what you received.
The bible continued by saying - just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord; *WALK YE IN HIM*
YOU did not receive Jesus just to be saved, delivered and redeem. You received Jesus (a lifestyle, person, and thinking pattern)
It's expected of you to *walk* ye in Him.
To walk is to relate with Him. To walk is to think in Him. To walk is to decide in Him. To walk is to desire in Him. To walk constant improvement in Him. To walk is character development in Him. To walk is for you to do all things and say all things in Him.
Don't just feel relaxed now that you have received Jesus; relate with the Jesus you have received. Take instructions from the Jesus you have Received .
Just as you have received Christ Jesus; *walk* ye in Him .
To walk is for you to function. In other words, stagnation is not permitted. You must be proactive according to the instruction you are ready to receive from the Christ Jesus you have received.
If you must function (walk), it must be *in Him.* In other words, it must be according to His lifestyle (Jesus).
Jesus is what salvation represent.
Salvation is first an experience before it can become a culture and character in you. Likewise, Jesus is an experience and then a character that must be cultivated.
You need The consciousness of Grace, The Holy Spirit and the Word to function in this revelation.
What did you receive and how committed are you to what you have received?
Receiving Jesus is not enough; relate with Him and take instructions from Him because HE IS YOUR LORD.
Walk in Him.
Attitude in Him.
Embrace His thinking pattern.
Desire the very thing He desire.
Make decision according to His instruction.
As you have received Jesus as Lord; walk ye in Him.
It's about relationship with Jesus. It's all about your submission and obedience to the Jesus you have received .
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