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Who is a Prophet?

Beloved of God! 

A Lot has happened and many are in errors while some are victim because they don't know who a prophet is and his role in the body of Christ.  

Who is a Prophet?  
A prophet is an individual called by God to reconcile people back to God through revelation and power. 

From the old testament, the scriptures mentioned the issue of prophets whenever the people of God backslide. The major issue that introduce a prophet in the bible was lack of direction, clarity and reconciliation to God. 

A prophet is not above God's instruction neither is He meant to operate outside what the Word of God or Jesus Lifestyle entail. 

Jesus is the pattern of any prophet. The knowledge of the scriptures is always the inspiration for prophecy, word of knowledge and word of wisdom. 

A prophet is an individual that is submissive to the leading and instruction of the Holy Spirit. 

A prophet or the prophetic does not make people rude and abusive and domineering or manipulative. 

A prophet always have simplicity as their trade mark. They are not proud but they are confident. They are humble but confrontational in nature. 

A prophet will never minister to people with the absent of the name of Jesus. His ministry MUST ALWAYS AGREE WITH THE LIFESTYLE OF JESUS. 

A prophet is called to reconcile people to God. A prophet is meant to teach people God's intention. A prophet is meant to give people a sense of direction in life through the usage of the scriptures.  

A prophet uses prophecy to encourage and give assurance of Hope. He will never use prophecy to cage you into fear or making you dependent on him.

A prophet will always point you to Jesus and also make you to develop a personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

A prophet operates by Grace and walk in God's mercy. 

A prophet is an individual that act, decide, judge and declare things unbehalf of God. Whatsoever he kills, God has no say. Whatsoever he makes alive, God has no say. 

The prophetic is not just a calling -It's a gift of Grace.

A prophet uses word of knowledge to conquer your doubts. 

A prophet uses word of wisdom to conquer your worries. 

A prophet will never take the place of Jesus, scriptures or the Holy Spirit in your life. 

A prophet will constantly walk in the fear of God. God's business is His business. God's burden is His burden. God's anger is his anger. He practically live his life for the assignment in the intention of God

A prophet don't give attention to what people do - they only give attention to the motive. They look at the heart when people look and consider the appearance. 

A prophet or prophetess are under the authority of the Holy Spirit. They are answerable to the Holy Spirit. THEY OPERATE BY INSTRUCTION FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT. They don't have pity in their heart. God's decision is their decision even if you are crying and begging them. 

The prophet is a life that answer to Gods intention and plan. 

Show me prophet that operate without the scriptures and I will show you a man that lacks a personal relationship with the Lord. 

A prophet without the scriptures will always lack the way because the scriptures which is the way - is Jesus.

Becoming a prophet is not by desire or will of human. It's a divine calling. 

This is who a prophet is but yet not all a prophet is all about. This is the best I could type. 

Don't obey a prophet that is not obedient to the scriptures or the teaching or lifestyle of Jesus! 

Be led by the Holy Spirit



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