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Showing posts from 2017

Blessed Mentality

It is the desire of the Holy Spirit for you to enjoy all that God has planned for your life. This is the inheritance of the people of God.  BLESSING is a mindset or a mentality. it is a lifestyle and a mentality. Being blessed is not the function of money but it is the function of how you think.  Your thinking capacity is what will determine where your experience will come to be. Poverty is the thing of the mind and blessing is the thing of the mind. Blessing is a mentality or mindset. This is the major reason you must allow the Word of God and the Holy Spirit  to help you.  Cultivating Blessing as a mindset is some thing that is achievable through the Word and the Holy Spirit.  A MIND THAT IS CONSTANTLY TRANSFORMED BY THE WORD AND THE HOLY SPIRIT  IS A BLESSING.  BEFORE Any thing ever gets into your life, it must first be registered in your mind. The greatest level of blessing is a transformed mindset via God's Word and the...

Embrace the Holy Spirit

I need you to take time and be conscious to appreciate the Holy Spirit!  The More you are conscious of the Holy Spirit, the more his operation will be valid and open to you. What you don't stay conscious of, you can't relate. What you don't value, you won't enjoy. What you don't respect, won't raise you.  The Holy Spirit and all His capacity are gift from the Lord to you.   Take advantage of this precious gift from the Lord. You are not disturbing him at all. Ask him questions and allow him to lead.  Enough of the confusion and frustration. You can trust and depend on the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit is your comforter, helper and tutor. Stay conscious of Him and enjoy His ministry.

We Are A Family

*US MENTALITY*  Beloved of God!  We are different members of Christ but the same body. Irrespective of the name of your Church or the name of your Pastor - as long as you believe Jesus is the Son of God; you are part of me.  It's one thing to profess we are one in Christ but it's difficult to *attitude* it.  The true test is when God gives freely to some one, what you are fighting  to get but have not gotten yet!  Can you stand the praise and celebration of another Person?  Can you sincerely rejoice with people that got what you are still  lacking?  The little influence God has given you over people; how respectful are you to these people under you?  The little money God has put into your hand; how humble are you?  It's "us" mentality.   Don't think of your self and consider your feelings alone; what about that brother or sister next to you?  Abraham never envied or being jea...

Importance of Gods Word

As believers of Christ, I want you all to know the importance of the Word of God. The Word of God gives you the following  - Correction.   - Direction.  - Instruction.  - Encouragement.  Don't let this book of God's Word depart from your hands, mouth and heart.  The value you place on studying the Word of God and applying it in your life will be the same value life will place in you.  Study the Word of God. Walk in the Word of God. Practice the Word of God. Allow the Word of God to renew and transform the way you think, talk and behave. Don't nothing without the Word of God. All you need to conquer fears, worries and doubts is the knowledge, understanding and wisdom you are being able to draw from God's Word. Today, I encourage you to daily draw strength, correction, direction, instruction, encouragement and HOPE from God's Word.  Remember, the value you place on the Word of God will determine the value yo...

Who is a Prophet?

Beloved of God!  A Lot has happened and many are in errors while some are victim because they don't know who a prophet is and his role in the body of Christ.   Who is a Prophet?   A prophet is an individual called by God to reconcile people back to God through revelation and power.  From the old testament, the scriptures mentioned the issue of prophets whenever the people of God backslide. The major issue that introduce a prophet in the bible was lack of direction, clarity and reconciliation to God.  A prophet is not above God's instruction neither is He meant to operate outside what the Word of God or Jesus Lifestyle entail.  Jesus is the pattern of any prophet. The knowledge of the scriptures is always the inspiration for prophecy, word of knowledge and word of wisdom.  A prophet is an individual that is submissive to the leading and instruction of the Holy Spirit.  A prophet or the prophetic does not make peopl...

Walking In Him

 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Colossians 2:6 KJV Beloved of God.  This is a serious issue I want to share with you. From the scripture above, your attention will be drawn to the fact that you have received some thing.  Let me start by asking you; *do you know what you have received?*   *Just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord!*  What you have received is your Lord. How committed are you to this Jesus you have received? How submissive are you to the Jesus you have received  ?  The Jesus you have received  is not  is a person that desires a relationship with you.  Jesus is a Person.  Jesus is a lifestyle.  Jesus is a character.  Jesus is a specific pattern of thinking.  This is what you received.    The bible continued by saying - just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord; *WALK YE IN HIM*  ...

Saved To Serve

Beloved!  I want you to understand that God loves you so much. God created you with His best and with His all. God is a deliberate God doing things deliberately.   Don't you think God blessed you and created you just like that. God's love for you is with a purpose. God's care towards is specific in nature!  Salvation is free on our path but Jesus paid for it. Blessing is free on our side but It's God's Responsibility.  You have being saved to serve! Wake up from the mentality of greed. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. If Jesus is your Lord and Saviour then you must walk in his foot step.  People of God!  Every thing God has showered on you is for one single purpose - that you might extend it to other people. Pass on the same mercy God has offered you.  Pass on the forgiveness God has offered you.  Pass on all the love, and grace God has offered you.  It's impossible for you to do this if you la...

Embrace your Calling

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, Ephesians 4:1 KJV EMBRACE YOUR CALLING.  I have being rejected and people have hated me for this single truth I want to share with you. (I'm  already used to haters).  Irrespective of the lack of people in any church department, we must be careful never to force people to join any department. Salvation or the Kingdom of God is not a place of disorder. It's a place of order! LET EVERY BELIEVER STAY AND SERVE IN THE AREA OF DEPARTMENT GOD HAS CALLED THEM TO SERVE.  Your calling in Christ ought to be the driving factor behind any thing you do in God's Name. Be careful to separate your hobby from your calling. The fact that you like some thing does not mean you are called to do it. There is nothing wrong will having hobbies but don't make it a necessity by despising what God has called you to do. Have you sincerely ask God; F...

Battle of Knowledge

Beloved of God! We are in the battle of ideas and information. This is the greatest challenge in this generation.  In the past, people free make excuses for lack of knowledge but now, the challenge of the body of Christ is THE WRONG KNOWLEDGE.   Every idea or information or knowledge is not needed. You must be careful of what you choose to believe as the norm. Jesus is the pattern son and He is the standard for our decision making. Don't settle for any thing the Word of God fights against.  It's so sad that people turn the bible or scriptures to fit into their own greed.  Whatsoever Jesus has not done or said is not allowed in this kingdom. Before you think, speak and decision; ask the Holy Spirit to guild you. Before you read any inspirational book; be led by the Holy Spirit. The fact that it appeal your sense does not mean it's of God. We are in the battle of knowledge.  Some knowledge are available but harmful t...

Deception In The Church

I will start by writing this; a kingdom that is divided against itself can never stand.  Why will believers be so blinded by ignorance to think gift of the spirit is inferior to the fruit of the spirit?  Why are believers so blinded to think Anointing is inferior to Holiness?  Why are we dividing what God never divided in the scriptures?  Who is the source of this comparism among the issues of the kingdom of God? This can not be the Gospel of Christ! Deliverance is not inferior or superior to the teaching of the Word.  I read a write up and it says; we have many anointed people in he'll but there is no holy people in hell! Hmmm..  Do you not know that every believer is Anointed and without Anointing, you can not step into Salvation? It takes Anointing to embrace the journey of becoming Holy!  Please, the Apostle is not inferior or superior to a pastor. A Pastor is not inferior or superior to an Evangelist. A ...

Set Your Priority

 When priority are wrongly placed, your freedom becomes your frustration and your helper becomes a threat. May you not turn your teacher into your student in Jesus Name! When you allow pride to make you to start teaching those that are meant to teach you - you will be frustrated. May you not turn your destiny helper into your disciple in Jesus Name. When you allow insecurity to make you to start treating your destiny helper like he or she is your disciple - you will struggle in the place of miracle. May you not listen to those you are meant to advice in Jesus Name. When you allow indecision or your passive nature to dumbfound you so much that those God wants you to advice begin to advice you instead - your strength will become your weakness. Jesus was wise to rebuke Pete when he started advicing Jesus not to speak about his suffering, and death. There is a time to tell some people to just shut up their mouth. May you advice those God wants you to advice in Jesus...

Speaking In Tongues

Beloved of God! I want to encourage and suggest to you to speak more in tongues. Create more time to pray in other tongues.  Make it a lifestyle. You don't have to wait for music or worship to stir you up before you speak in tongues. Stay conscious of the Holy Spirit and stop seeing the Holy Spirit as one spirit being that is far from you. The Holy Spirit is with you and He is in you. Stay living this divine life naturally as a lifestyle. Speak in tongues in season and out of season. Even in public, you can be praying in tongue behind your breath (sliently so much that people won't even notice)  The idol worship value their incantations - how come are we that have what is more real despise it.  Be bold!  Be encouraged! Speak in tongues.  Sing in tongues.  Chant in tongues.  This is who you are and also your inheritance in Christ Jesus.  Shalom!


And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Revelation 19:10 KJV A Lot of things have to spread in Church but it's high time we learn to understand what the Holy Spirit is saying to you And I.  What is prophecy? The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy. In other words, the testimony of JESUS is the testimony of the WORD OF GOD. The testimony of the WORD OF GOD is the PLAN OF GOD.  Jesus is the Word of God; God's word is the expression of God's plan. That is to say, every prophecy must be all about JESUS. Every prophecy must come from the WORD OF GOD. Every prophecy must draw your attention to the PLAN OF GOD. Every prophecy must give you the clarity of the PLAN OF GOD. This is what prophecy is all about; prophecy does not make you lazy and prophecy alone is not e...

What is SIN?

Case Study: Romans 14:23 In God's Kingdom, the Father is more concern on "how" you do things irrespective of how moral what you have done is. We need to begin to give attention to the process of the things we do. In Christ you have freedom but you must understand that God also have principle. Your freedom must be within what the principle of God permits. The bible also state that "AS a man thinks in his heart, so he is." The bible did not say WHAT a man think on, will determine what he will become. The "as" is all about the "how" or "process" or "pattern" by which he thinks is what will decide what the man will become. This same principle apply to the topic I am sharing with you today. You can do the right thing in a wrong way. You can do the right thing with a wrong motive. It doesn't matter how expensive it is. It doesn't matter how sacrificial it is. It doesn't matter the measure of time you invest in...

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is a spirit and a personality that dwells in us to bring to pass all the plan and purpose of God for our lives. He is the very spirit of the Father. The only way to access the Father is to relate with the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The only way the Father and Jesus can access us is through and by the Holy Spirit. The New covenant or testament is the administration of the Holy Spirit. You will never see the beauty and benefit of the Grace of our Lord Jesus if the Holy spirit is absent. The Holy Spirit is a teacher that will teach us all things that concerns our lives, and the plan and purpose of God for our lives. He is the power of God that helps us to grow in the knowledge of God. He is the Spirit of God in us helping our bodies to cooperate with the operations or plan of God for your life. The Holy Spirit is the spirit that brings you to the place of Divine Encounter with the Lord. A place where you discover your personal u...

Help But Don't Interfere!

There is nothing wrong with zeal but when zeal has no knowledge, understand and the right approach, you will hurt the same people you want to help. Its okay that you really want to help people but you must understand there are principles in the God’s kingdom. When it comes to love and relationship, a lot of friends and people around us think they know better than we do. Some times, they are right and some times they are wrong. In any ways, you must learn the art of respecting people privacy. Our Lord Jesus showed us this example by the way He responded to every one that came to him for Help. Jesus would ask them “what do you want me to do for you?” I use to think Jesus was being wicked until the Holy Spirit began to teach me the art of respecting people’s privacy.  WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU? This is a question that holds a strong wisdom we need to embrace in this generation. Irrespective of how any body is suffering in any abusive relationship, don’t be their Savi...

Your Hour of Visitation.

Eccl 3:1 Hmmm... when time becomes your enemy, who can save you? The bible says there is time for every thing... Even at this scripture, many believers in the body of Christ are missing it. Prayer is not every thing. there is time to pray and there is time to recognise the appearance of what you've being praying for.  The most simple yet dangerous thing that can happen to any one is "inability" to recognise the time of God's visitation for your life.  The parable of the five foolish virgin and the five wise virgin is so profound. These were virgins. They were perfect, committed, loyal but the bible called the remaining five virgins "foolish" because they missed their time of visitation.  Don't postpone for tomorrow what you are meant to do today. Time can't be restored when it's wasted. YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ACCOUNT TO GOD FOR HOW YOU WASTE YOUR TIME AND FOR HOW YOU INVEST YOUR TIME. Time is a currency of life God gives ...

God Hates Murmuring

Philippians 2:14-16 King James Version (KJV) 14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings: 15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; 16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.  As a kingdom son and daughter of God, you must live a life that is free from murmuring. Either it's in your heart or you whisper to your self alone or you speak out - God is not interested in people that murmurs. Whoever you are, murmuring is not Part of God's nature. If there is some thing you are not comfortable with some one or your church, ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to approach or deal with it. You can also pray about it for God's will to be done. Murmuring about anybody, about any church or about any situation IS AN INSULT TO GOD ALMIGHTY. It's an act...

The Holy Spirit - Part 1

The Holy Spirit is the personality of God or you can say – The Holy Spirit is the person of God that feel, thinks, speaks, teaches, instructs, work, walk, and fulfill the desires and expectation of the Father. He is a living, a lifestyle and has a desire of his own. The desire of the Holy Spirit is the extension of the desire of the Father or God’s plan. The Holy Spirit can not do whatsoever he likes or feel like doing. He has limitations and God’s word is what will determine how far, how deep and how high He will operate. He cannot operate outside the context of the bible. He can not operate outside the desires and expectation of the Father. The Holy Spirit is not a fire. He is not a smoke. He is not a dove. He does not come from heaven to visit us during church fellowship and return back to heaven whenever we close service. He is not under your authority you have to command, invoke or welcome his presence before he manifest him self. HE IS THE PERSON OF GOD AND EVERY ...